Technical Introduction to Microservices Training

Course duration

Course Benefits

  • Gain a fundamental understanding of microservices and practical experience in implementing microservices using different technology stacks.

Course Outline

  1. Microservices
    1. What is a "Microservice"?
    2. SOA - Microservices Relationship
    3. ESB - Microservices Relationship
    4. One Helpful Analogy
    5. The Driving Forces Behind Microservices
    6. How Can Microservices Help You?
    7. The Microservices Architecture
    8. Utility Microservices at AWS
    9. Microservices Inter-connectivity
    10. The Data Exchange Interoperability Consideration
    11. Managing Microservices
    12. Implementing Microservices
    13. Embedding Databases in Java
    14. Microservice-Oriented Application Frameworks and Platforms
    15. Summary
  2. Microservices with Node.js
    1. What is Node.js?
    2. Node's Value Proposition
    3. Example of a Node.js App: a Simple Web Server
    4. Node.js Project Types
    5. Managing Large Applications
    6. Core Modules
    7. Why Node.js uses JavaScript?
    8. The Traditional Concurrency Support Model
    9. Disadvantages of the Traditional Approach
    10. Event-Driven, Non-Blocking I/O
    11. The Success Callback Function
    12. Using Node Package Manager (NPM)
    13. NPM Registry (Repository)
    14. NPM Enterprise
    15. Package Life-Cycle Management
    16. Local and Global Package Installation Options
    17. Listing and Using Module Versions
    18. The Express Package
    19. Installing and Using Express
    20. Defining Routing Rules in Express
    21. Route Path
    22. The Response Object
    23. A Simple Web Service with Express Example
    24. The MEAN Stack
    25. Summary
  3. REST Services
    1. Many Flavors of Services
    2. Understanding REST
    3. Principles of RESTful Services
    4. REST Example - Create
    5. REST Example - Retrieve
    6. REST Example - Update
    7. REST Example - Delete
    8. REST Example - Client Generated ID
    9. SOAP Equivalent Examples
    10. REST Example - JSON
    11. REST vs SOAP Communication
    12. More REST vs SOAP
    13. REST vs SOAP Summary
    14. Famous RESTful Services
    15. Additional Resources
    16. Summary
  4. Introduction to Angular
    1. What is Angular?
    2. Central Features of the Angular Framework
    3. Why Angular?
    4. Building Blocks of an Angular Application
    5. Basic Architecture of an Angular Application
    6. Angular vs. AngularJS
    7. Angular Semantic Versioning
    8. Installing and Using Angular
    9. A Basic Angular Application
    10. Anatomy of a Basic Application
    11. The Main Component File
    12. The Application Module File
    13. The index.html File
    14. The Bootstrap File
    15. Running the Application
    16. Building the Application
    17. Summary
  5. Docker Introduction
    1. What is Docker
    2. Where Can I Ran Docker?
    3. Docker and Containerization on Linux
    4. Linux Kernel Features: cgroups and namespaces
    5. The Docker-Linux Kernel Interfaces
    6. Docker Containers vs Traditional Virtualization
    7. Docker as Platform-as-a-Service
    8. Docker Integration
    9. Docker Services
    10. Docker Application Container Public Repository
    11. Competing Systems
    12. Docker Command-line
    13. Starting, Inspecting, and Stopping Docker Containers
    14. Summary
  6. Apache ZooKeeper
    1. What is Apache ZooKeeper?
    2. Apache ZooKeeper Logo
    3. ZooKeeper Design
    4. ZooKeeper High Availability
    5. ZooKeeper - Client Interaction
    6. Leader Election
    7. The Big Picture
    8. znodes: A Closer Look
    9. Ephemeral znodes
    10. ZooKeeper Java API
    11. Watches
    12. Summary
  7. Introduction to Spring Boot for Non-Java Developers
    1. What is Spring Boot?
    2. Spring Boot Main Features
    3. Spring Boot vs DropWizard
    4. Spring Boot on the PaaS
    5. Understanding Java Annotations
    6. Spring MVC Annotations
    7. Example of Spring MVC-based RESTful Web Service
    8. Spring Booting Your RESTful Web Service
    9. Spring Boot Skeletal Application Example
    10. Converting a Spring Boot Application to a WAR File
    11. Summary
  8. Defining the Cloud
    1. A Bit of History
    2. Wikipedia Entry
    3. Cloud Computing at a Glance
    4. Gartner Research on Cloud
    5. Electrical Power Grid Service Analogy
    6. The NIST Perspective
    7. Five Characteristics
    8. On-demand Self-Service (NIST Characteristic)
    9. Broad Network Access (NIST Characteristic)
    10. Resource Pooling (NIST Characteristic)
    11. Rapid Elasticity (NIST Characteristic)
    12. Measured Service (NIST Characteristic)
    13. The Three Cloud Service Models (NIST)
    14. The Cloud Computing Spectrum: IaaS, PaaS and SaaS
    15. The Four Cloud Deployment Models (NIST)
    16. The NIST Cloud Definition Framework
    17. A Hybrid Cloud Diagram
    18. Cloud Deployment Model Dynamics
    19. Summary
  9. Cloud Services
    1. Defining Cloud Services
    2. User-Cloud Interaction
    3. Cloud Service Characteristics
    4. The Typical Cloud Services
    5. Application Services
    6. Messaging Application Service
    7. Email Application Service
    8. Cache Application Service
    9. Specialized Application Services
    10. AWS Analytics Systems
    11. Google App Engine (GAE) MapReduce Service
    12. Use Cases for MapReduce Jobs
    13. Integration Platform as a Service (IPaaS)
    14. Storage Services
    15. Object Storage
    16. Archive Storage
    17. Relational Storage
    18. NoSQL Storage
    19. Some AWS Storage Services
    20. Data Warehouses in the Cloud
    21. Cloud Utility Services
    22. Scalability and HA of Your Applications in the Cloud
    23. The Auto-scaling Service
    24. Monitoring Services
    25. Configuring Instance Health Check in AWS
    26. Amazon Web Services Integration Diagram
    27. Google App Engine (GAE) Services Integration Diagram
    28. Microsoft Azure Services
    29. Comparing Cloud Service Stacks
    30. Summary
  10. Introduction to Continuous Integration and Jenkins-CI
    1. Agile Development
    2. What is Continuous Integration
    3. Typical Setup for Continuous Integration
    4. Jenkins Continuous Integration
    5. Jenkins Features
    6. Running Jenkins
    7. Summary

Class Materials

Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.

Class Prerequisites

Experience in the following is required for this Microservices class:

  • Foundational knowledge of programming and software design principles.
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