Upgrading to Bootstrap 4

Course duration

Course Benefits

  • Learn what is new in Bootstrap 4.
  • Learn which features of Bootstrap 3 have been deprecated.
  • Start upgrading your own site from Bootstrap 3 to Bootstrap 4.

Course Outline

  1. What's new and different in Bootstrap 4?
    1. Browser support
    2. Global changes
    3. Grid system
    4. Components
      1. Reboot
      2. Typography
      3. Images
      4. Forms
      5. Buttons
      6. Button group
      7. Dropdowns
      8. Grid system
      9. Navs and Navbar
      10. Pagination
      11. Breadcrumbs
      12. Labels and badges
      13. Panels
      14. Progress
      15. Carousel
      16. Tables
      17. Utilities
  2. Moving your site to Bootstrap 4
    1. Make a plan for moving your site from Bootstrap 3 to Bootstrap 4
    2. Begin the process of recoding your site using Bootstrap 4

Class Materials

Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.

Class Prerequisites

Experience in the following is required for this Bootstrap class:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap 3
Prerequisite Courses

Courses that can help you meet these prerequisites:

Since its founding in 1995, InterSource has been providing high quality and highly customized training solutions to clients worldwide. With over 500 course titles constantly updated and numerous course customization and creation possibilities, we have the capability to meet your I.T. training needs.
Instructor-led courses are offered via a live Web connection, at client sites throughout Europe, and at our Geneva Training Center.