Classic Pekko/Akka (Actors, Http, Persistence, Remoting and Streams )
- Course reference: AKKA-CORE
- prerequisite: In order to get the best from this course it is highly recommended that students should be at least familiar with the basics of the Scala Programming language. (Ideally their knowledge of Scala should reach the level established by our [Core Scala Course](SCALA-CORE)).
- Duration of Instructor-Present Course (in Days): 2
- Duration of Online Course (in Days): 3
Rest assured that this course will cover all relevant bases to make sure you have all the necessary skills to work with the Classic Akka modules:
- Core Actors
- Akka HTTP
- Akka Persistence (intro)
- Akka Remoting (Artery) and Cluster Primer (intro)
- Akka Streams (intro)
Note that this course does not cover Akka Typed.