Course duration
- 5 days
Course Benefits
- Learn how Java works.
- Understand the "write once, run anywhere" concept.
- Understand and learn how to create basic Java objects.
- Learn how to implement flow-control concepts in Java.
- Understand Java's package concept and create packages of Java classes.
- Understand Java arrays and write code to create and use arrays.
- Learn how to write Java classes using inheritance.
- Learn how to create and use interfaces.
- Understand and use the concept of polymorphism in an application
- Understand how Java's exception-handling mechanism works and learn how to apply exception-handling to Java applications.
- Understand and use the Java Logging API.
- Understand and use inner classes.
- Understand Generics and use them with the Collections API.
- Learn about Java's Streams concept, and how to appy that to files using text and binary data.
- Create and run JUnit tests for Java classes.
Available Delivery Methods
Public Class
Public expert-led online training from the convenience of your home, office or anywhere with an internet connection. Guaranteed to run .
Public expert-led online training from the convenience of your home, office or anywhere with an internet connection. Guaranteed to run .
Private Class
Private classes are delivered for groups at your offices or a location of your choice.
Private classes are delivered for groups at your offices or a location of your choice.
Course Outline
- Java Introduction
- Conventions in These Notes
- The Java Environment - Overview
- Writing a Java Program
- Obtaining The Java Environment
- Setting up Your Java Environment
- Creating a Class that Can Run as a Program
- The main() Method
- Useful Stuff Necessary to Go Further
- System.out.println()
- Using an Integrated Development Environment
- Exercise: Running a Simple Java Program
- Using the Java Documentation
- Java Basics
- Basic Java Syntax
- General Syntax Rules
- Java Statements
- Blocks of Code
- Comments
- Variables
- Declaring Variables
- Advanced Declarations
- Data
- Primitive Data Types
- Object Data Types
- Literal Values
- Constants and the final Keyword
- Mathematics in Java
- Basic Rules
- Expressions
- Operator Precedence
- Multiple Assignments
- Order of Evaluation
- Bitwise Operators
- Compound Operators
- Expressions that Mix Data Types: Typecasting
- Creating and Using Methods
- Creating Methods
- Variable Scope
- Exercise: Method Exercise
- Basic Java Syntax
- Java Objects
- Objects
- Object-oriented Languages
- Object-oriented Programs
- Encapsulation
- OOP as a Messaging System
- Exercise: Object Definition
- Creating and Using an Instance of an Object
- References
- Reference Example
- Reference Expressions
- Defining a Class
- Access to Data
- More on Access Terms
- Adding Data Members to a Class
- Adding Method Members (Functions) to a Class
- Standard Practices for Fields and Methods
- Order of Elements within a Class
- Java Beans
- Bean Properties
- Exercise: Payroll01: Creating an Employee Class
- Constructors
- Instantiating Objects Revisited
- Important Note on Constructors
- Exercise: Payroll02: Adding an Employee Constructor
- Method Overloading
- Exercise: Payroll03: Overloading Employee Constructors
- The this Keyword
- Using this to Call Another Constructor
- Exercise: Payroll04: Using the this Reference
- static Elements
- The main Method
- Exercise: Payroll05: A static field in Employee
- Garbage Collection
- Java Packages
- Compiling and Executing with Packages
- Working with Packages
- Exercise: Payroll06: Creating an employees package
- Variable Argument Lists (varargs)
- Keyboard I/O Using the Console Class
- Keyboard Input Without the Console
- Exercise: Payroll07: Using KeyboardReader in Payroll
- String, StringBuffer, and StringBuilder
- Creating Documentation Comments and Using javadoc
- Javadoc Comments
- Exercise: Payroll08: Creating and Using javadoc Comments
- Primitives and Wrapper Classes
- Autoboxing and Unboxing
- Comparisons and Flow Control Structures
- Boolean-valued Expressions
- Comparison Operators
- Comparing Objects
- Conditional Expression Examples
- Complex boolean Expressions
- Simple Branching
- The if Statement
- if Statement Examples
- Absolute Value
- Random Selection
- Exercise: Game01: A Guessing Game
- Exercise: Payroll-Control01: Modified Payroll
- Two Mutually Exclusive Branches
- The if . else Statement
- Nested if . else Statements - Comparing a Number of Mutually Exclusive
- Options
- Exercise: Game02: A Revised Guessing Game
- Comparing a Number of Mutually Exclusive options - The switch Statement.175
- The switch Statement
- switch Statement Examples
- Exercise: Game03: Multiple Levels
- Comparing Objects
- Testing Strings for Equivalence
- Conditional Expression
- while and do . . . while Loops
- for Loops
- For-Each Loops
- Exercise: Payroll-Control02: Payroll With a Loop
- Exercise: Game04: Guessing Game with a Loop
- Additional Loop Control: break and continue
- Breaking Out of a Loop
- Continuing a Loop
- Classpath, Code Libraries, and Jar Files
- Creating a jar File (a Library)
- Exercise: Creating and Using an External Library
- Compiling to a Different Directory
- Arrays
- Defining and Declaring Arrays
- Instantiating Arrays
- Initializing Arrays
- Working With Arrays
- Enhanced for Loops - the For-Each Loop
- Array Variables
- Copying Arrays
- Exercise: Using the args Array
- Exercise: Game-Arrays01: A Guessing Game with Random Messages222
- Arrays of Objects
- Exercise: Payroll-Arrays01: An Array of employees
- Multi-Dimensional Arrays
- Multidimensional Arrays in Memory
- Example - Printing a Picture
- Typecasting with Arrays of Primitives
- Inheritance
- Inheritance
- Inheritance Examples
- Payroll with Inheritance
- Derived Class Objects
- Polymorphism
- Inheritance and References
- Dynamic Method Invocation
- Creating a Derived Class
- Inheritance Example - A Derived Class
- Inheritance and Access
- Inheritance and Constructors - the super Keyword
- Derived Class Methods that Override Base Class Methods
- Inheritance and Default Base Class Constructors
- The Instantiation Process at Runtime
- Inheritance and static Elements
- Example - Factoring Person Out of Employee
- Exercise: Payroll-Inheritance01: Adding Types of Employees
- Typecasting with Object References
- More on Object Typecasts
- Typecasting, Polymorphism, and Dynamic Method Invocation
- More on Overriding
- Changing Access Levels on Overridden Methods
- Redefining Fields
- Object Typecasting Example
- Checking an Object's Type: Using instanceof
- Typecasting with Arrays of Objects
- Exercise: Payroll-Inheritance02: Using the Employee Subclasses
- Other Inheritance-related Keywords
- abstract
- final
- Exercise: Payroll-Inheritance03: Making our base classes abstract
- Methods Inherited from Object
- Interfaces
- Interfaces
- Creating an Interface Definition
- Implementing Interfaces
- Implementing Interfaces - Example
- Reference Variables and Interfaces
- Calling an Interface Method
- Interfaces and Inheritance
- Exercise: Exercise: Payroll-Interfaces01
- Some Uses for Interfaces
- Interfaces and Event-Handling
- Interfaces and "Pluggable Components"
- Marker Interfaces
- Annotations
- Annotation Details
- Using Annotations
- Exceptions
- Handling Exceptions
- Exception Objects
- Attempting Risky Code - try and catch
- try . catch Blocks and Variable Scope/Initialization
- Example - An Exception You Must Handle
- Using Multiple catch Blocks
- Guaranteeing Execution of Code - The finally Block
- Letting an Exception be Thrown to the Method Caller
- Throwing an Exception
- Exercise: Payroll-Exceptions01: Handling NumberFormatException in
- Payroll
- Exercise: Payroll-Exceptions01, continued
- Exceptions and Inheritance
- Exception Class Constructors and Methods
- Creating and Using Your Own Exception Classes
- Exercise: Payroll-Exceptions02
- Rethrowing Exceptions
- Initializer Blocks
- Static Initializer Blocks
- Logging
- Creating a Logger
- Logger Hierarchy and Naming
- Log Handlers
- Log Formatters
- Log Properties
- Assertions
- Collections
- Collections
- Using the Collection Classes
- Using the Iterator Interface
- Creating Collectible Classes
- hashCode and equals
- Comparable and Comparator
- Generics
- Bounded Types
- Extending Generic Classes and Implementing Generic Interfaces
- Generic Methods
- Variations on Generics - Wildcards
- Exercise: Payroll Using Generics
- Inner Classes
- Inner Classes, aka Nested Classes
- Inner Class Syntax
- Instantiating an Inner Class Instance from within the Enclosing Class
- Inner Classes Referenced from Outside the Enclosing Class
- Referencing the Outer Class Instance from the Inner Class Code
- static Inner Classes
- Better Practices for Working with Inner Classes
- Enums
- Why Another Syntax Element for a Set of Constants?
- Defining an enum Class
- More Complex Enums
- Java Streams and Stream Classes
- Introducing Streams
- Input Stream Classes
- Output Stream Classes
- Using Systemin
- File and Directory Information
- Improved Version
- Filename Filters
- Exercise: Creating a Directory Listing
- Files and Streams
- Writing to a File
- Exercise: Creating a File Copying Program
- Dealing with Binary Data
- Java Primitives as Binary Data
- Sending and Receiving Objects - Serialization
- Object I/O Examples
- Exercise: Payroll-Streams01
- Properties
- Unit Testing with JUnit
- Software Testing Concepts
- Unit Testing
- Using JUnit
- Creating a Test Case
- Exercise: JUnit in Payroll
Class Materials
Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.
Class Prerequisites
Experience in the following is required for this Java class:
- Significant Object-oriented Programming Experience in a language such as C++ or C#.
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Instructor-led courses are offered via a live Web connection, at client sites throughout Europe, and at our Geneva Training Center.
Instructor-led courses are offered via a live Web connection, at client sites throughout Europe, and at our Geneva Training Center.