Introduction to PHP Training

Course duration

  • 4 days

Course Benefits

  • Learn how PHP works.
  • Learn the basic syntax of PHP.
  • Learn to create dynamic interactive pages with PHP.
  • Learn to handle exceptions in PHP.
  • Learn to work with arrays in PHP.
  • Learn to process and validate forms with PHP.
  • Learn to write functions in PHP.
  • Learn to manipulate and manage database data with PHP.
  • Learn to manage sessions and cookies with PHP.
  • Learn to create a complete and secure registration process with PHP.
  • Learn to send email with PHPMailer.
  • Learn to upload files with PHP.
Available Delivery Methods
Public Class
Public expert-led online training from the convenience of your home, office or anywhere with an internet connection. Guaranteed to run .
Private Class
Private classes are delivered for groups at your offices or a location of your choice.
Learn at your own pace with 24/7 access to an On-Demand course.

Course Outline

  1. PHP Basics
    1. Welcome to the Server-side
      1. What is a web server?
      2. Dynamic Websites
    2. Google Chrome DevTools: Network Tab
      1. Status Codes
    3. How PHP Works
      1. The php.ini File
      2. PHP Tags
      3. Hello, World!
    5. PHP Statements and Whitespace
    6. PHP Functions
    8. Variables
      1. Variable Types
      2. Variable Names (Identifiers)
      3. Type Juggling and Casting
      4. Hello Variables!
    9. Variable Scope
    10. Superglobals
    11. Single Quotes vs. Double Quotes
    12. Concatenation
    13. Passing Variables on the URL
    14. User-defined Functions (UDFs)
      1. Defining and Calling Functions
      2. Default Values
      3. Variable Scope
      4. By Reference vs. By Value
    15. Introduction to the Poet Tree Club
    16. Including Files
      1. require
      2. require_once
    17. Constants
    18. Error Reporting
    19. Displaying Errors
    20. Including a Secure Configuration File
  2. PHP Conditionals
    1. if / if - else / if - elseif - else
      1. Simple if Condition
      2. if-else Condition
      3. if-elseif-else statement
      4. False Equivalents: Falsy Values
    2. Testing for Variable Existence
    3. Exercise: Checking for Variable Existence
    4. switch/case
    5. Ternary Operator
    6. Null Coalescing Operator
  3. Arithmetic Operators and Loops
    1. Arithmetic Operators
    2. The Modulus Operator
    3. Loops
      1. while
      2. do...while
      3. for
      4. break and continue
  4. Arrays
    1. Indexed Arrays
      1. Initializing Arrays
      2. Appending to an Array
      3. Reading from Arrays
      4. Looping through Arrays
    2. Associative Arrays
      1. Initializing Associative Arrays
      2. Reading from Associative Arrays
      3. Looping through Associative Arrays
      4. Superglobal Arrays
    3. Multi-dimensional Arrays
      1. Reading from Two-dimensional Arrays
      2. Looping through Two-dimensional Arrays
      3. Two-dimensional Associative Arrays
      4. Non-tabular Multi-dimensional Arrays
    4. Array Manipulation Functions
    5. in_array() Function
  5. Working with Databases
    1. Objects
    2. Attributes / Properties
    3. Behaviors / Methods
    4. Classes vs Objects
    5. Connecting to a Database with PDO
    6. Introducing the Poetree Database
    7. phpMyAdmin
    8. Querying Records with PHP
    9. Queries Returning Multiple Rows
    10. Creating the Poems Listings
    11. Adding Pagination
    12. Sorting
    13. Filtering
  6. Exception Handling
    1. Uncaught Exceptions
    2. Throwing Your Own Exceptions
    3. Catching Exceptions
      1. Getting Information about Exceptions
    4. PDOExceptions
    5. When Queries Fail to Execute
  7. PHP and HTML Forms
    1. HTML Forms
      1. How HTML Forms Work
    2. Form Submissions
    3. Sanitizing Form Data
      1. htmlspecialchars()
      2. htmlentities()
      3. filter_var()
      4. filter_input()
    4. Validating Form Data
      1. Was the Field Filled In?
      2. Is the Entered Value an Integer?
      3. Is it an Email?
      4. Is it a Valid Password and Do the Passwords Match?
      5. Do the Combined Values Create a Valid Date?
      6. Did the User Check the Box?
  8. Sending Email with PHP
    1. mail()
      1. Shortcomings of mail()
    2. Setting Up PHPMailer
      1. Get and Install the Latest Version of PHPMailer
    3. Mail Server
    4. Including a Mail Configuration File
    5. Sending Email with PHPMailer
    6. PHPMailer Methods and Properties
    7. Creating a Contact Form
  9. Authentication with PHP and SQL
    1. The Registration Process
    2. Passwords and Pass Phrases
    3. Registration with Tokens
    4. Creating a Registration Form
    5. Sessions and Session Variables
    6. Cookies
    7. Logging In and Out
    8. $_REQUEST Variables
    9. Resetting the Pass Phrase
  10. LAB: Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Poems
    1. Submitting a New Poem
    2. Editing an Existing Poem
    3. Deleting a Poem
  11. Uploading Files
    1. Uploading Images via an HTML Form
    2. Resizing Images
    3. Uploading a Profile Picture

Class Materials

Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.

Class Prerequisites

Experience in the following is required for this PHP class:

  • HTML

Experience in the following would be useful for this PHP class:

  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Some SQL
Follow-on Courses
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