Rest assured that this course will cover all relevant bases to make sure you have all the necessary skills to work with key Scala Test frameworks:
- ScalaTest
- ScalaMock
- ScalaCheck
- Recap of automatic software testing
- Testing styles
- Discuss popular Testing Frameworks for Scala
- Overview of ScalaTest
- Testing styles (
, …) - Using Given-when-then
- Running tests (using sbt, maven, junit, …)
- Writing assertions
- Using the Matcher DSL
- Writing fixtures
Scala Mock
- Introduction to Scalamock
- Discuss different mocking techniques (function, proxy and macro)
- Integrate with ScalaTest and Specs2
- Discuss and use expectation-first (mocking)
- Discuss and use record-then-verify (stubbing)
- using argument matchers
- expect method/function calls
- mocking behaviour by returning values
- Introduce property-based testing
- Introduce scalacheck
- Introduce the architecture (key types)
- Running and integrating with other test frameworks
- Defining generators
- Configuration (thresholds, number of workers etc.)
- Add reporting
- Discuss various property-based patterns
- Discuss extensions (e.g, using shapeless)