This is a course explains best practices, patterns and key concepts of Java Application design.
Domain Modelling
- Object-oriented ecosystem (concepts, roles, methods, tools)
- Requirements Modelling (business/user/functional/quality requirements)
- Use-case driven design (and alternatives)
- Domain modeling (identifying domain concepts and classes)
- System Behavioural modelling
- Object-oriented Software Design (in code, through re-factoring and when needed in UML)
- Abstraction (and single abstraction SLAP)
- Java and the Anemic domain Model
- Cohesion
- Coupling
- Law of Demeter (LoD)
Design and Software Architecture Principles
- Coupling
- DRY (don't repeat yourself)
- Rule of the least power
- YAGNI ("you ain't gonna need it")
- TDD cycles (red-green-refactor)
- EIP (enterprise integration Patterns)
- Don't make code better than needed (flexibility, performant)
- Cost of over-engineering