Learn to master Ansible, the powerful automation tool for modern infrastructure and application management. This modern course provides a comprehensive foundation in Ansible, including dynamic inventories, role development, automation testing, and centralized control with AWX. Perfect for system administrators, DevOps engineers, and IT professionals looking to simplify their workflows.
What you will learn:
- Automate tasks with Ansible playbooks, modules, and roles.
- Use Ansible for provisioning, application configuration, CI/CD pipelines, GitOps, and provisioning VMs/Kubernetes.
- Explore advanced concepts like Jinja templating, plugins, and execution environments.
- Manage secrets securely with Ansible Vault, HashiCorp Vault, and Mozilla SOPS.
- Configure dynamic inventories for cloud providers, Kubernetes, and other systems.
- Use Molecule for testing.
- Integrate Ansible into modern DevOps workflows with AWX
Ansible Introduction
- Introduce the Ansible project and its role in modern automation.
- Discuss Ansible's role in DevOps and GitOps workflows.
- Overview of Ansible's History
- Understand the use cases for Ansible in infrastructure and application management.
- Understand Ansible's idempotent behaviour
- Ansible nodes (control nodes and managed nodes.)
- Understand Ansible's agentless design.
- Discover Ansible's ecosystem, including Ansible Galaxy and AWX.
- Ansible requirements and installation
- Introduce tasks
- Understand modules and their purpose
- Explore collections as a way to bundle ansible building blocks
- Overview of key modules used in common scenarios.
- Execute ad-hoc commands to perform quick actions on managed nodes.
- Understand the purpose and structure of inventories.
- Learn how to define inventories
- Organize the inventory with host groups
- Understand the role of default groups in inventories.
- Compare static and dynamic inventories for managing nodes.
- Use inventory patterns for targeting groups or hosts.
- Define host and group variables in inventories.
- Use inventory variables to customize host behavior.
Running Ansible (Ad-hoc)
- Understand how tasks are executed remotely over SSH or WinRM.
- Learn Ansible configuration options via ansible.cfg, env variables, and CLI parameters.
- Identify key configuration parameters and their impact.
- Understand the purpose of variables and facts in automation.
- Learn about variable scopes (global, play, and host) and their precedence.
- Use local facts to customize automation based on host-specific data.
- Understand facts gathering and how to control or disable it.
- Access host and group variables
- Introduce magic variables and their special uses.
- Overview of jinja templating for dynamic content in playbooks.
Ansible Playbooks Basics
- Introduce playbooks as the foundation of automation workflows.
- Ansible's YAML Conventions
- Understand the relationship between plays and playbooks.
- Defining multiple plays in a playbook
- Explore the anatomy of a play, including hosts, tasks, and variables.
- Configure hosts and execution behavior for a play.
- Define and organize tasks within a playbook.
- Identity and privilege escalation
- Using external variable files
- Prompting for values and passwords
- Setting facts values
- Introduce handlers, their purpose, and how they are triggered.
- Introduction to templating with Jinja2.
- Ensure playbook quality using ansible-lint and yamllint.
Troubleshooting Plays
- Verify playbooks using check mode and dry run options.
- Investigate modifications using diffs.
- Step through tasks for detailed analysis.
- Use the debug module to display variables and custom messages.
- Enable and use the Debugger for interactive troubleshooting.
- Set breakpoints to pause execution and analyze issues.
- Inspect variables and facts during execution.
- Change tasks dynamically in debug mode.
- Analyze logs and adjust log levels for deeper insights.
- Retry tasks to address transient issues.
- Run commands and scripts.
- Manage files and directories.
- Copy files and directories with or without templating.
- Install software packages (e.g., apt, yum, pip, gems).
- Manage users, groups, and passwords.
- Control services (start, stop, enable, disable).
- Modify file contents (lines, blocks, configurations).
- Automate cron jobs and scheduled tasks.
- Debug with the debug module.
- Configure networking (firewalls, routes, interfaces).
- Manage system performance (resource limits, sysctl).
- Manage cloud resources with dedicated modules (e.g., AWS, Azure, GCP, Hetzner).
- Use URI modules for API integrations.
- Configure LDAP for directory services and authentication.
- Automate SSL/TLS certificates.
- Send notifications with Slack, email, and other tools.
- Manage databases (e.g., PostgreSQL).
- Automate network devices (e.g., routers, switches, firewalls).
- Configure monitoring and alerting systems (e.g., Prometheus, Grafana).
Docker, Kubernetes, and GitOps
- Handle docker resources in containerized environments.
- Manage container orchestration with Kubernetes, including pods, services, and deployments.
- Work with container registries, including pushing, pulling, and scanning images (e.g., Docker Hub, ECR, GCR, Nexus).
- Introduction to configure Kubernetes clusters.
- Automate Helm chart deployments and configuration in Kubernetes.
- Automate CI/CD pipelines for containerized applications with GitOps principles.
- Apply rolling updates and rollback strategies in Kubernetes deployments.
Complex playbooks
Templating with Jinja
- Learn jinja syntax for templates.
- Understand jinja's role in Ansible automation.
- Use expressions and filters to transform data.
- Apply jinja tests for conditional logic.
- Write jinja statements (for, if, etc.).
- Use macros and custom filters for reusable templates.
- Understand lookup and key plugins for external data.
- Combine lookup plugins with loops and conditionals.
- Handle whitespace in jinja templates.
- Work with nested data structures (e.g., dictionaries, lists) in templates.
- Use the ansible.builtin.vars lookup plugin for advanced variable handling.
- Manage complex JSON and YAML transformations with jinja filters.
- Explore community-contributed filters and plugins for advanced use cases.
Include and Import
- Discuss directory structures for organizing playbooks and roles.
- Use import and include for tasks, playbooks, and roles.
- Differentiate between static imports and dynamic includes.
- Apply conditionals and loops with includes.
- Explore use cases for reusability and modularization.
- Pass variables to imports and includes.
Playbook structures
- Using ansible loops
- Contrast loops with the deprecated with_xxx
- Understand the relation between loops, lookup, query and plugins
- Looping over multiple tasks using
- Conditional tasks using when
- Implement error handling (e.g,
) - Group tasks into blocks for better structure and error control.
- Use
blocks for cleanup tasks and guaranteed execution. - List different run strategies (linear, free and serial)
- Using batch for rolling updates
- Delegate tasks with delegate_to and
. - Use tags to include/exclude tasks
- Use cache plugins to optimize performance.
- Configure callback plugins for managing output (e.g., logback, JSON, syslog).
- Use callback plugins to interact with external systems (e.g., Slack, email).
- Audit environments using callback plugins.
- Configure different connection types (e.g., SSH, WinRM, local, docker).
- Manage Windows hosts with WinRM and PowerShell.
- Execute tasks inside docker containers with connection plugins.
- Interact with Kubernetes pods and manage workloads.
- Extend Ansible with custom action, lookup, and filter plugins.
Dynamic inventories
- Appreciate the need for dynamic inventories
- Explore the transition from inventory scripts to inventory plugins.
- List and discuss common inventory plugins (e.g., AWS, Azure, GCP, Kubernetes, VMware, Docker, OpenStack).
- Configure inventory plugins using YAML-based configuration files.
- Introduce the ansible-inventory command .
- Using caching mechanisms to improve performance.
- Overview of developing custom inventories scripts
Managing Secrets and Sensitive Information
- Discuss best practices for storing and accessing secrets in automation workflows.
- Use Ansible Vaults to encrypt sensitive data.
- Create and update vaults for secure storage.
- Use vaults in playbooks to use secrets.
- Use Mozilla SOPS for managing sensitive information
- Integrate with HashiCorp Vault/OpenBao**HashiCorp Vault** and other secret management systems.
- Manage secrets with Mozilla SOPS
Ansible Roles & Galaxy
- Understand the need for roles to organize and reuse automation code.
- Explore modern role structure and best practices.
- Configure the path to roles with
and other mechanisms. - Use roles with in playbooks.
- Pass variables to roles and manage defaults.
- Introduce Ansible Galaxy as a hub for reusable roles and collections.
- Use roles and collections from Galaxy in playbooks.
- Manage Galaxy content with the ansible-galaxy CLI (e.g., install, init, search).
Role Development
- Write and structure custom roles following best practices.
- Define role meta-data, including dependencies and versioning.
- Publish custom roles to Galaxy or private repositories.
- Introduce Molecule for testing and developing Ansible roles.
- List and configure drivers (e.g., Docker, VirtualBox, EC2).
- Define and configure instances for testing environments.
- Understand and use scenarios to test different configurations and workflows.
- Explore key phases: create, prepare, converge, verify, and cleanup.
- Test for idempotency to ensure consistent results on repeated runs.
- Write and run verifications to validate role behavior.
- Configure platforms and provisioners for Docker, Vagrant, or cloud VMs.
- Use Molecule in a DevOps pipeline for automated testing.
AWX / Ansible Automation Controller / Ansible Tower Overview
- Introduce Ansible Tower
- Understand the benefits of using Tower
- Introduce the upstream AWX project and its relationship with Automation Controller/Tower.
- Installing AWX
- Manage access control with users, teams, and RBAC (role-based access control).
- Define inventories in Tower/AWX
- Supply secrets using credentials (e.g., environment variables, HashiCorp Vault).
- Define projects linked to SCM systems (e.g., Git).
- Create and use job templates for standardized workflows.
- Running and monitoring jobs
- Schedule jobs using the built-in scheduler.
- Create and manage custom Execution Environments for isolated task execution.
- Use webhooks (e.g., GitHub, GitLab) to trigger jobs automatically.
- Extra: Explore analytics and reporting capabilities.