Having spent many years successfully delivering Java courses around the world, it’s pretty safe to say that we have a solid in-depth knowledge of what makes an awesome Java course. That’s why we are super confident about our new groundbreaking course. We have built a new and modern course that incorporates a fresh and improved way of introducing Java to Developers. We have accomplished this by leveraging new Java tools to introduce a new and unique way of explaining the Java Programming Language
During our course, you'll learn:
- The Java Platform
- The Java Language
- Declaration, Statement and Expression
- Control flow-statements
- Contemporary Object-Oriented Programming Principles (in today's context)
- Defining classes in Java
- Using inheritance to specialize classes.
- Using interfaces to define capabilities
- Handling exceptions and resources
- Using exceptions to impose business rules
- The Collection Framework
- Lambda Expressions
- The Optional type to prevent system failures
- Introduction to streams to work with collections in a declarative style
- Introduce the Java Platform
- History of Java
- Overview of the Java Platform (APIs)
- List different languages for the Java Platform
- Understand the difference and relation between JDK, JRE, JVM
- Discuss different Java Distributions (Oracle, openJDK, …)
- Installing Java manually
- Setting up your environment
- Running Java commands (java, jshell, …)
- Installing Java using sdkman (Linux only)
- Writing a simple program (using Unnamed Classes)
- Adding documentation (HTML and Markdown)
The Java Language Basic
- Java as an imperative object-oriented language
- Java as a strongly typed language
- Understand declarations and statements
- Understand the difference between statements and expressions
- The role of the semicolon
- Documenting your code using comments
- reserved words and keywords
- Introduce some basic types
Declaration and Expression Statements
- Declaring (local) variables
- Define valid identifiers
- Using expression statements
- Understand literal expression
- Using type inference using the var keyword
Core Types
- List and discuss the three type systems in java
- Introduce the primitive types
- Use various literal values
- Introduce the String type
- Basic operations with Strings
- Working with Strings
- Using the java documentation (api)
- Concatenating strings
- Introduce multi-line text blocks
- Understand arrays
- Two ways of declaring arrays
- Two ways for initialing arrays
- Accessing array elements
- Splitting Strings into arrays
- Declaring and using Multi-dimensional arrays
- Define Arithmetic expressions
- Using boolean expression
- Combining boolean expressions (logical and, or ,…)
- Using the assigment operators
- Different unary operators
- Understand the difference between prefix/postfix operators
Control-flow statements
- The if-statements
- Using if-else
- Introduce the block statement
- Using the conditional expression (aka ternary operator)
- The while and do statements
- The for-statement
- Using the enhanced for-statement (aka for-each)
- Using the switch-statement and the switch-expression
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Understand the essence of OOP
- Contrast with other programming paradigms
- What is an Object
- Discuss behaviour and state (and their relation)
- Introduce the concept of encapsulation (aka data-hiding)
- Define abstraction means
- Grouping objects into classes
- Understand the role of classes
- Introduce instances
- Understand the deference between objects and instances
- Clearly understand the relation between objects, classes and instances
Classes, Instances, and Objects in Java
- List some key classes
- Introduce constructors
- Creating instances
- Understand immutable instances
- Calling methods on objects
- Using overloaded methods
- The case for immutable data structures
- Introduce product and nominal tuples types
- Introduce java's Records
- Understand what boilerplate code is removed
- Using Record Patterns to extract values
- Introduce the concept of a reference
- Understand the difference between references and pointers
- Introduce the heap
- Appreciate the garbage collector
- Understand where objects are instantiated
- Multiple references to objects
- Understand the difference between a reference and a value
- How to compare objects
- Introduce the null-reference
- Understand the problem of null
- What is a NullPointerException
- Preventing NullPointerExceptions
Core Objects
The StringBuilder
- Introduce the StringBuilder
- Building strings
- Understand when to use string concatenation vs
- Working with the
(insert, add, delete, …)
Wrapper Classes
- Understand the need for Wrapper Classes
- List the different wrapper classes (Integer, Boolean, Double, …)
- Converting (parsing) Strings to primitive
- Creating strings from primitive values
- Autoboxing and auto-unboxing
- Understand the difference between valueOf and constructors
- Appreciate the cache
Writing Basic Classes
- Introduce the class-declaration
- The Java Naming conventions
- Capture object behaviour in methods
- Keeping the object's state in fields
- Appreciate how fields are initialised with default values
- Define Immutable state using final fields
Implementing Methods
- Understand the this reference
- Implementing methods and return values
- Understand the method's return type
- Introduce void
- Overloading methods
- Passing multiple values using varargs
- Defining constructors
- Scoping using private and public
Defining Constructors
- Understand the role of the constructor
- Appreciate the default constructor
- Adding constructor arguments
- The no-arg constructor
Static and Enum
- Introduce static
- Object state vs. class state
- Defining class state using static fields
- Defining behaviour on a class using static methods
- Implementing static methods
- Understand enumerated types
- Defining an enum class
- Defining elements
Java Application Development
- Understand the structure of a java application
- Writing java source files
- Compiling java source to class files
- Organising project files
- Defining a main-method
- Running java applications
- Understand the CLASSPATH
- Introduction to using build tools (maven and gradle)
- Introduce packages
- Importing classes from other packages
- Scoping rules for packages
- Using the static import
- Understand type-hierarchies
- Understand the concept of *inheritance (aka specialisation)
- Explore the java object type system
- Introduce java.lang.Object
- Construct a class that extends another class.
- Correctly implement equals, hashcode and toString.
- Write constructors that pass initialization data to the parent constructor as appropriate.
- Use instanceof to verify the class type of object references.
- Appreciate Pattern Matching using instanceof
- Using pattern matching syntax in switch statements/expressions
- Override subclass methods and use the super keyword to leverage behaviors in the parent.
- Safely typecast references to a more refined type.
- Understand the concept of polymorphism
- Use the final keyword on methods and classes to prevent overriding through subclassing.
- Explain the concept of sealed classes
- Permitting inheriting sealed classes
- Use interfaces to Separate capability from an object type
- Defining interfaces
- Implementing interfaces
- Adding fields to interfaces
- Discuss Use cases for interfaces
- Understand exceptions
- Understand the effect of exceptions and the call stack
- Different types of exceptions
- Understand how exceptions to indicate a system failure
- Implementing business rules using application exceptions
- Correctly implement/override a method which throws exceptions.
- Throwing exceptions
Handling Exceptions
- Define a try-catch block to handle exceptions
- Discuss handling patterns (logging, propagating, passing on)
- Catching multiple exceptions
- Rethrowing exceptions
- Define try-finally to handle resources
- Using try-with-resources for automatic resources management (ARM)
The Collection Framework
- Understand the different types of collections
- Introduce the collection interfaces
- Discuss collection implementations techniques (e.g, arrays, linked list, trees)
- Explain the big-O notation
- Appreciate how generics ease the development of (type-safe) collection
- Type inferences and collection variables
- Iterating through a collection
- Defining ordered collection using List
- Choosing between ArrayList, LinkedList and other implementations
- Working Sets and OrderedSets
- Appreciate hashing vs trees
- Understand the hashCode and equals contract
- Create read-only and immutable collections
- Sorting collections
- Implement natural ordering
- Defining a Comparator
- Introduce Queue and Deque implementations
- Using key-value pairs using Map
- Working with maps (reading, updating, iterating, …)
- Discuss different map implementations
Lambda Expressions
- Understand functions as values
- Introduce higher-order functions
- Use function-literals in Java
- Type inference when using lambda-expressions
- Returning values from a lambda-expression
- Using lambda's with clojures (and understand java's restrictions)
- Use the benefits of single abstract methods (SAM)
- Using Method references so that they can be used as functions
- Discuss the problems with null as a bottom value
- Explore alternatives to null
- Introduce Java's Maybe type: Optional
- Using Optional in your applications to prevent NullPointerExceptions
- Using map to keep your code clean
- Composing optionals using flatMap
Introduction to Streams
- Recap imperative vs declarative programming
- Introduce streams
- Using collections as a source
- Implementing side effects using for-each
- Performing intermediate operations (e.g., filter, map, …)
- Using peek as a wiretap
- Using stateful operations (e.g., distinct, sorted, …)
- Using short-circuiting terminators (e.g., allMatch, noneMatch, findFirst, …)
- Understand the concept of reduce (aka folds)
- Using common reduce operations (e.g., count, min, avg, min, …)
- Collecting stream data into collections and maps
- Converting a stream to a string
- Grouping data into multiple collections