Master JavaScript from the ground up with this comprehensive Core JavaScript course. Designed for developers looking to build a strong foundation, this course covers everything from basic syntax to advanced concepts like classes, functional programming, and asynchronous code.
Dive deep into the essentials of browser-based JavaScript, including DOM manipulation, event handling, and modern ES features. This course also introduces testing practices and prepares you for frameworks like Angular, React, Vue, and Svelte.
What you will learn:
- Understand modern JavaScript syntax, features, and best practices.
- Organize and structure your code effectively with modern ES Modules.
- Write robust object-oriented and functional JavaScript.
- Manage asynchronous workflows with promises and async/await.
- Manipulate and interact with the DOM using modern APIs.
- Leverage JavaScript modules for structured and maintainable code.
- Test JavaScript code with tools like Jest and Vite-Test.
- Prepare for advanced JavaScript concepts and frameworks.
Core JavaScript/ECMAScript
- Introduce JavaScript and its standard, ECMAScript.
- Explore the evolution (ECMAScript versions, ES5, ES6/ES2015, and beyond).
- Discuss browser and runtime support for modern ECMAScript features.
- Explain language basics: literals, identifiers, operators, and reserved words.
- Introduce the JavaScript Type System and its dynamic nature.
- Highlight the differences between primitive types and objects.
Node.js and Babel for front-end development
- Introduce Node.js (for front-end development)
- Setting up a new project
- Understand
- Managing dependencies using npm and/or yarn
- Introduce package registries (public and private)
- Use linters such as JSHint
- Introduce Babel
- Setting up a babel project
- Appreciate babel plugins and presets
- Use and configure the preset-env
- Introduce Browserlist
- Defining browserlist queries to define your target (e.g, browsers)
Core Syntax
- Understand equality (
). - Explain falsy and truthy values.
- Appreciate strict mode
- Declare variables with let and const, and the legacy var.
- Discuss the benefits of immutable values.
- Explore global objects in various environments.
- Understand type coercion and its pitfalls.
- Define and use named functions.
- Introduce modern string literals with template strings.
- Use different types of expressions (arithmetic, logical, etc.).
- Apply control structures such as
, andwhile
. - Discuss the advantages of expressions over statements.
- Understand and use exceptions for error handling.
- Using tr/catch to handle exceptions
Modules and Code Organization
- Understand modules.
- Explore ES Modules (
) and their compatibility with older systems. - Compare modules with older patterns like immediately invoked function expressions (IIFE).
- Learn various
techniques (default, named, and re-exports). - Use dynamic imports for code splitting and lazy loading.
- Organize large codebases with barrel files for cleaner imports.
Objects, Classes and Object-oriented JavaScript
Objects introduction
- Create objects as object literals.
- Define object properties and methods.
- Use getters and setters accessors.
- Apply shorthand property names for conciseness.
- Use destructuring assignments for objects.
- Leverage destructuring with immutable objects.
- Define and use constructors to initialize objects.
- Discuss limitations of constructors compared to class syntax (explained later).
Core Objects and Utilities
- Declare and manipulate arrays.
- Use mutable array methods (pop, push, (un)shift, slice, splice, etc.).
- Work with iterables using the for...of loop and spread syntax.
- Work with core object types: Date and String.
- Understand and use Map and Set for efficient data storage.
- Explore WeakMap and WeakSet for memory-managed key-value pairs.
- Work with the Math object for mathematical operations.
- Introduce the JSON object for parsing and stringifying data.
Dealing with Null and Undefined
- Understand the difference between
. - Recognize the problems caused by nullish values (
). - Protect against nullish values using safe patterns.
- Use logical operators (&&, ||) for fallback logic.
- Apply optional chaining (
) to safely access nested properties (ES2020). - Use the nullish coalescing operator (
) to handle default values (ES2020). - Combine optional chaining and nullish coalescing for safer expressions.
- Explore default destructuring to provide fallback values when destructuring objects or arrays.
- Explain prototypical inheritance.
- Define and use ES classes.
- Add methods to classes to add behaviors.
- Define and use constructor functions to initialize objects.
- Override methods and constructors.
- Define fields, including private fields (ES2020+).
- Add static members to classes for shared properties or methods.
- Implement class inheritance with the
keyword. - Discuss the differences between class syntax and traditional prototypes.
More on Functions
- Use default parameters to assign fallback values.
- Apply rest/variadic parameters.
- Use destructured parameters to improve readability.
- Combine default values with destructured parameters for cleaner function signatures.
- Explore the arguments object and its limitations in modern JavaScript.
- Understand function scope and the role of the this keyword.
Functional JavaScript
- Understand the principles of Functional Programming.
- Explore Functional Programming in JavaScript.
- Deal with state and avoid mutability.
- Use functions as values for dynamic programming.
- Write and use higher-order functions to pass and return functions.
- Using clojures
- Define lambda expressions for inline function behavior.
- Use arrow functions and understand their differences from traditional functions.
- Discuss the importance of pure functions and avoiding side effects.
- Combine functions using the pipeline operator (
) for cleaner composition - Implement currying to break down functions into smaller, single-argument functions.
- Use recursion to solve iterative problems in a functional style.
- Introduce popular functional libraries
Functional Style Arrays and Iterables
- Recap arrays and their role as iterables in JavaScript.
- Use array higher-order functions for clean and functional operations.
- Transform arrays using map as a functor.
- Filter arrays to extract elements based on conditions.
- Apply predicate logic to arrays for testing values.
- Find elements in arrays using find and findIndex.
- Combine array methods (map, filter, reduce).
Asynchronous Programming
- Use Promise for handling asynchronous code.
- Define and manage promises.
- Handle promise errors with
. - Combine multiple promises with Promise.all/any/race.
- Use async/await for cleaner asynchronous code.
- Handle errors in async/await with
Testing / BDD
- Introduce the importance of testing in software development.
- Discuss different testing techniques (unit, BDD, e2e).
- Introduce and use modern tools like Jest and Vite-Test.
- Write Suites and Specs for structured test cases.
- Test asynchronous code effectively.
- Use Mocking and Stubbing with tools like Spies.
- Mock time for testing time-sensitive code.
JavaScript in the Browser
- Add JavaScript to pages: unobtrusive, inline, and external scripts.
- Explore ways of loading external scripts: async and defer attributes.
JavaScript Modules in the Browser
- Introduce ES Modules (
<script type="module">
) for modern browsers. - Compare module scripts and traditional scripts.
- Use import and export to structure code across files.
- Understand the benefits of deferred execution with modules.
- Learn about dynamic imports for lazy loading (
). - Discuss module caching and the role of the browser cache.
- Use tools like Vite or ESBuild to optimize module bundling.
DOM Manipulation and Events
- Introduce the Window and Document objects
- Understand the structure of a DOM
- Navigating the DOM
- Adding and removing elements
- Changing element properties (inner text, attributes, properties)
- Understand the event loop, the call stack, and how JavaScript executes in the browser.
- Working with events
- Writing event handlers
- Understand event bubbling
- Cancelling default behaviour
- Using XHR to interact with servers
- Using the fetch API
- Using the history API